The signup for this form ended on April 15, 2017 at noon.
This signup for this form ended on March 26, 2016 at 10:56PM.
BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Blue Chile AOG - ECPv6.10.2//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Blue Chile AOG X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Blue Chile AOG REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/Denver BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0700 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 TZNAME:MDT DTSTART:20160313T090000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0700 TZNAME:MST DTSTART:20161106T080000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0700 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 TZNAME:MDT DTSTART:20170312T090000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0700 TZNAME:MST DTSTART:20171105T080000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0700 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 TZNAME:MDT DTSTART:20180311T090000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0700 TZNAME:MST DTSTART:20181104T080000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0700 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 TZNAME:MDT DTSTART:20190310T090000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0700 TZNAME:MST DTSTART:20191103T080000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20190221T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20190221T200000 DTSTAMP:20250313T184523 CREATED:20190218T024524Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190218T025550Z SUMMARY:Blue Chile Leadership Meeting DESCRIPTION:We are going to have a Leadership Meeting to discuss a few topics and do a little planning for the Founders Day on 13 April. It would be great if you could show and help us work through the following agenda. \nAGENDA\nBoard of Directors Reports\nPresidents (Pauleta and PeeWee)\nUSAFA AOG Vote\nDistinguished Chapter Status\nSAMS Flight Academy Initial Meeting\nGeneral Membership Meeting \nVP (Vacant)\nVP Media Relations (Interim: Mike Walker)\nWebsite Update \nFacebook \nBlue Chile\nUSAFA\nAOG Chapter Presidents’ Forum \nInstagram \nSecretary (Walt Migdal)\nTreasurer (Gary Hoe)\nStatus of Funds\n501c19 Opportunities \nDirector of Programs (Aggie Haren)\nFounders Day – 13 April 2019\nKirtland Air Show – 18 May 2019\nBooth? \nDirector of Cadet Events (Dave Kristensen)\nMen’s Tennis – 20 April 2019\nMen’s Baseball – 3-5 May 2019 \nFounders Day Planning\nDate: 13 April 2019\nLocation: PW’s House\nTime: TBD\nSpeaker: Colonel Houston R. Cantwell – USAFA Vice Superintendent \nPotential Planned Activities\nArea 310 Breakfast\nKirtland AFB Tour\nArea 310 Lunch w. AFROTC\nAFROTC/NM Congressional Delegation Round Table\nParents Club Round Table\nFounders Day @ PW’s\nCVENT\nRSVP\, Cost per Person\, Free attendees (candidates\, ??)\nEmails – Feb\, Mar\, Apr\nRaffle\nFood\nCatered Food\nCatered Drinks\nCocktail Hour & Hors D’Oeuvres\nCandidates & Parents\nAREA 310\nParents Club\nWelcome Address\nGuest Speaker Introduction\nGuest Speaker\nSocializing \n URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20170705T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20170705T200000 DTSTAMP:20250313T184523 CREATED:20170621T024317Z LAST-MODIFIED:20170621T024359Z SUMMARY:Blue Chile Member Meeting 5 July 2017 DESCRIPTION:Hello Blue Chiles!\nOn 5 July at 6:00pm the Members are invited to meet at Whole Hog BBQ. The USAFA Cadets are coming to town for Operation Air Force\, and we have an upcoming Golf Tournament and Tailgate Party to prepare! \nOps AF Cadets are coming in 2 waves. 28 June to 14 July we will host 9 cadets at Kirtland AFB. The Blue Chiles will join them on 4 July at Isotopes Park for baseball and fireworks. Game time is 6:35pm. 19 July to 1 August we will host 15 cadets\, with Gary Hoe providing a guided tour of the Nuclear Museum on 24 July at 3:30pm. \nJoey Castaneda from Tanoan Country Club will join us at Whole Hog to provide us an update on this year’s Golf Tournament. Tanoan will help us host 60 golfers in a shotgun start\, 18-hole tournament later this year (after the heat breaks). This could be a great opportunity to raise funds and get your companies involved as sponsors! \nThe USAFA/Lobos football game is 30 September at 5:00pm this year…and that means Tailgate Party! Let’s discuss a little planning and see if we can find a volunteer to lead this important Blue Chile gathering. This single event pays for almost everything else we do in any given year! \nBlue Chile Member Meeting\nWhole Hog BBQ for Dinner 6pm-8pm\n9880 Montgomery Blvd.\, NE\n505.323.1688 URL: LOCATION:Whole Hog BBQ\, 9880 Montgomery Blvd.\, NE\, Albuquerque\, NM\, 87107\, United States CATEGORIES:Blue Chile Social,Social Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20170704T183000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20170704T223000 DTSTAMP:20250313T184523 CREATED:20170630T122024Z LAST-MODIFIED:20170630T122047Z SUMMARY:Operation Air Force - Isotopes Baseball for Cadets DESCRIPTION:Join the visiting USAFA Cadets and many of your Blue Chile NM friends at Isotopes Park this 4th of July. Contact PeeWee\, Chris\, or Pauleta for details on where we are sitting. Game starts at 6:35pm! URL: LOCATION:Isotopes Park\, 1601 Avenida Cesar Chavez NE\, Albuquerque\, NM\, 87106\, United States CATEGORIES:Blue Chile Social,Social Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20170505 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20170508 DTSTAMP:20250313T184523 CREATED:20170204T160339Z LAST-MODIFIED:20170204T160339Z SUMMARY:USAFA vs. Lobos Men's Baseball DESCRIPTION:Come join the Blue Chiles for a sporting event! \n5 May 19:30\, 6 May 14:00\, 7 May 13:00 Men’s Baseball \nSanta Ana Star Field – located south of The Pit. Exit off I-25\, just south of the Big-I\, at Avenida Cesar Chavez and head east. Turn right (south) on University Boulevard. The Pit and the UNM Ticket Office will be on the right. Turn right into the first entrance just past The Pit. Drive through The Pit parking lot\, passing the Ticket Office on your right. Santa Ana Star Field will be on your left. URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20170421T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20170421T220000 DTSTAMP:20250313T184523 CREATED:20170304T141338Z LAST-MODIFIED:20170311T173536Z SUMMARY:USAFA AOG Founder's Day Dinner - Blue Chile Chapter DESCRIPTION:This year we will host Colonel Jeff Collins\, the Director of CyberWorx\, a new Air Force organization created at the Academy. CyberWorx was featured in the last issue of Checkpoints and I have attached an article about it. \nThe Blue Chile’s have invited USAFA candidates to join graduates\, alumni\, ALOs\, and parent’s club members as we celebrate along with all AOG members across the country. Please plan to join us at The Cooperage SteakHouse\, 7220 Lomas Blvd NE. Social hour begins at 18:00 hrs with dinner to follow at 19:00 hrs. \nCost will be $5 per person for the event\, open menu (order/pay individually)\, cash bar. \nRSVP: Please use the form that follows to RSVP NLT 15 April 2017 \n\nColonel Collins’ bio… \nColonel Jeffrey Collins directs Air Force CyberWorx\, a new venture comprising a public-private research and design center located at the Air Force Academy focused on cyber capabilities and disruptive technology. He leads a small team for the Air Force that melds military\, academic\, and industry expertise with state of the art technology and user-centered design to solve wicked operational problems. Colonel Collins led CyberWorx to become operational in 2016. The unit enhances cyber education in a creative problem solving environment with an inclusive student demographic and delivers innovative operational cyber solutions to Air Force and Joint commands. Colonel Collins was previously the Deputy Director for Air Force Cyberspace Strategy and Policy at the Pentagon and also served as the Director of Staff for the Air Force Chief Information Officer. He is the former Research & Technology Director of the Command and Control (C2) Battlelab and commanded the 766th and 966th Air Expeditionary Squadrons in Afghanistan where he earned the Bronze Star. Colonel Collins has degrees from Purdue\, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute\, and his PhD from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. \n URL: LOCATION:The Cooperage\, 2200 Lomas Blvd NE\, Albuquerque\, NM\, 87110\, United States CATEGORIES:Blue Chile Fundraising,Blue Chile Social,Cadet Fundraising,Fundraiser,Social Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20170318T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20170318T210000 DTSTAMP:20250313T184523 CREATED:20170204T151823Z LAST-MODIFIED:20170204T151823Z SUMMARY:Blue Zoo Revue DESCRIPTION:It’s time to hang with the Blue Chiles – like a ristra! \nEvery other month\, on the 3rd Saturday at 19:00hrs\, we’ll hit the town of Albuquerque for a few hours of fun. Where\, you may ask? Just to make it exciting\, we’ll change the location and keep you on your toes…and coming back to our website and social media to figure it out. \n18 March: Quarter Celtic Brew Pub – 1100 San Mateo Blvd NE under Ace Hardware URL: CATEGORIES:Blue Chile Social,Social Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20170208T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20170208T220000 DTSTAMP:20250313T184523 CREATED:20170204T155711Z LAST-MODIFIED:20170204T155711Z SUMMARY:USAFA Women's Basketball DESCRIPTION:Watch the Falcons play the Lobos on 8 Feb at The Pit\, 1900-2200hrs \nThe Pit is located at 1414 University Blvd SE URL: LOCATION:The Pit\, 1414 University Blvd SE\, Albuquerque\, NM\, 87106\, United States END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20161230T153000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20161230T180000 DTSTAMP:20250313T184523 CREATED:20161223T172016Z LAST-MODIFIED:20161223T172016Z SUMMARY:Arizona Bowl Watch Party DESCRIPTION:Come watch the Falcons play the Jaguars 30 Dec at 15:30hrs at the Uptown Sports Bar! URL: LOCATION:Uptown Sports Bar\, 6601 Uptown Blvd NE\, Albuquerque\, NM\, 87110\, United States CATEGORIES:Blue Chile Social,Social Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20160930T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20160930T190000 DTSTAMP:20250313T184523 CREATED:20160920T021542Z LAST-MODIFIED:20160920T021542Z SUMMARY:Fishing @ Cow Creek Ranch DESCRIPTION:Fellow Grads: \nLet’s get a group together to enjoy the fishing at Cow Creek Ranch in the Pecos! This is probably the premier private fishing venue in the state – secluded\, terrific water\, lots of big fish and beautiful mountain meadow setting. The stream has been improved with many large fall-pools and there are numerous small lakes off the stream. You will never be far from your vehicle and the terrain is easy. It’s fly-only (wet or dry)\, barbless\, catch & release – no spinning outfits. The fishery that the owners have created along this small mountain stream is truly amazing. With fishing there’s never a promise\, but big rainbows abound\, as well as browns and brookies. Here’s the plan: \nDay & Time: Friday 30 September – 9:00 am to dark. It’s a 2+ hr drive each way. \nRSVP: NLT WEDNESDAY 21 Sep. Sorry for quick turn; I have promised the Ranch a count ASAP and they are holding the entire ranch open pending our count. \nPlease email RSVP to \nNumbers: We can accommodate up to 12 anglers. Spouses welcome – but note that there are no activities for non-anglers. \nPlace: Cow Creek Ranch – check it out at and on Google Earth at 35*42’4.15N 105*37’41.68N \nCost: Owners are offering a reduced rate of $125+tax per person (normal rate is $150)\, if we book more than 10\, otherwise the normal $150+tax rate. \nLunch: I will contribute lunch – burgers/baked beans/fruit salad/chips – but bring your own beer/drinks/snacks for lunch and the day. \nOvernight stays: The owner’s cabin may be if available for those not wanting to drive back the same day. Cost is $125 per person. Let me know if you are interested in this\, it sleeps up to 6 – see website. \nTransportation: We can make arrangements to car-pool after the group is set. \nPets: Certified service dogs only. Fido has to stay home this time! \nWaders? This is easy-access fishing. The stream can be crossed at numerous places less than a foot deep\, but crossing is not necessary. Rubber boots or hip waders are fine if you prefer being able to cross the stream or get a bit into the lakes\, but again\, not necessary. In addition to the normal stuff\, streamers usually work well. \nCow Creek Ranch caters primarily to large parties staying for several days\, with fill-in day fishermen when there is room. So this set-up is is a trial-run for both of us. Give me a call if you have any questions. \n \n \n \nThanks to Bill Cavin for putting this together!! URL: LOCATION:Cow Creek Ranch\, Forest 92 Rd\, Pecos\, NM\, 87552\, United States CATEGORIES:Blue Chile Social,Social Event ORGANIZER;CN="Bill Cavin":MAILTO:williamjcavin@comcast(dot)net END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20160925T140000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20160925T170000 DTSTAMP:20250313T184523 CREATED:20160827T150715Z LAST-MODIFIED:20160920T020854Z SUMMARY:USAFA-LOBOS Women's Soccer DESCRIPTION:Women’s soccer comes to NM on 25 September at 2pm MT. Come join us to rally the Falcons! \n \n URL: LOCATION:UNM Soccer Fields\, 1111 University Blvd SE\, Albuquerque\, NM\, 87106\, United States CATEGORIES:Cadet Athletics END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20160922T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20160922T210000 DTSTAMP:20250313T184523 CREATED:20160827T150153Z LAST-MODIFIED:20160920T020918Z SUMMARY:USAFA-LOBOS Women's Volleyball DESCRIPTION:Women’s Volleyball come stop town 22 September at 7pm MT. The competitions are held at UNM in the Johnson Center. Come join us! \nDirections:\nJohnson Center is located on the southern end of UNM’s main campus\, just off Central Avenue. Take the Central Avenue exit off of I-25 and head east on Central Avenue. Take a left on Yale and a right on to Redondo Road. Johnson Center will be on the left after the parking garage. There are two parking areas\, the parking garage located in front of the Johnson Center and Lot A across the street (Redondo Road) from the Johnson Center. There is a charge for parking for weekday events at Johnson Center. URL: LOCATION:UNM Johnson Center\, 1 University Blvd NE\, Albuquerque\, NM\, 87131\, United States CATEGORIES:Cadet Athletics END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20160604 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20160606 DTSTAMP:20250313T184523 CREATED:20160322T054325Z LAST-MODIFIED:20160322T054325Z SUMMARY:Kirtland AFB Air Show Gathering DESCRIPTION: URL: LOCATION:Kirtland Air Force Base\, 3300 Kirtland Rd SE\, Albuquerque\, NM\, 87117\, United States CATEGORIES:Blue Chile Social,Social Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20160525 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20160530 DTSTAMP:20250313T184523 CREATED:20160410T143008Z LAST-MODIFIED:20160410T143022Z SUMMARY:Men's Baseball @ UNM DESCRIPTION:USAFA men’s baseball will be in town @UNM Lobos!\nThe exact schedule is TBD. You can stay up to date by checking out the USAFA Men’s Baseball schedule. \nDirections\nSanta Ana Star Field is located south of The Pit. Exit off I-25\, just south of the Big-I\, at Avenida Cesar Chavez and head east. Turn right (south) on University Boulevard. The Pit and the UNM Ticket Office will be on the right. Turn right into the first entrance just past The Pit. Drive through The Pit parking lot\, passing the Ticket Office on your right. Santa Ana Star Field will be on your left. \n\n\n\n2016 Baseball Roster\n\n\nCoaches\n\n\n\n\n\n\n#\nName\nHt/Wt\nPos\nYear\nHometown\nHigh School\n\n\n\n\n1\nGroesbeck\, Adam\n5-10/175\nOF\nJR\nTurlock\, CA\nTurlock\n\n\n2\nJones\, Tyler\n6-1/205\nOF\nJR\nCoppell\, TX\nCoppell\n\n\n3\nHaslam\, Bradley\n6-2/205\nIF\nJR\nSan Marino\, CA\nSan Marino\n\n\n5\nReady\, Nic\n6-3/210\nIF\nFR\nDallas\, TX\nJesuit Prep of Dallas\n\n\n7\nJacobs\, Tucker\n6-0/190\nRHP\nSO\nWinterville\, NC\nSouth Central\n\n\n9\nDau\, Rob\n5-8/180\nC/IF\nFR\nDallas\, GA\nNorth Paulding\n\n\n10\nMartinez\, Gabe\n6-2/200\nC\nFR\nKeller\, TX\nKeller\n\n\n11\nNichols\, Ethan\n6-3/195\nLHP\nFR\nHighland Village\, TX\nMarcus\n\n\n12\nMize\, Shaun\n5-11/165\nIF\nJR\nRoseville\, CA\nWoodcreek\n\n\n13\nJones\, Daniel\n6-1/195\nOF\nFR\nCoppell\, TX\nCoppell\n\n\n14\nMcDaniel\, Austin\n6-5/205\nRHP\nJR\nFlower Mound\, TX\nFlower Mound\n\n\n15\nCook\, Karter\n6-4/205\nRHP\nFR\nTualatin\, OR\nTualatin\n\n\n16\nDeVries\, Jacob\n6-3/205\nLHP\nJR\nCastroville\, TX\nMedina Valley\n\n\n17\nWilliams\, Russell\n6-3/205\nIF/OF\nJR\nMcKinney\, TX\nMcKinney Boyd\n\n\n19\nWiss\, Drew\n5-11/175\nOF/IF\nFR\nElgin\, IL\nBurlington\n\n\n20\nWilkie\, Travis\n6-0/195\nC\nSO\nSan Diego\, CA\nLa Jolla Country\n\n\n21\nZabojnik\, Tyler\n5-11/195\nIF\nSO\nCoppell\, TX\nCoppell\n\n\n22\nJax\, Griffin\n6-2/195\nRHP\nJR\nGreenwood Village\, CO\nCherry Creek\n\n\n23\nMonaghan\, Trent\n6-3/190\nLHP\nSR\nCoral Springs\, FL\nNova\n\n\n24\nHargreaves\, Matt\n6-3/190\nRHP\nFR\nFranklin\, TN\nFranklin\n\n\n25\nDraws\, Spencer\n6-0/195\nOF\nSR\nColumbus\, GA\nColumbus\n\n\n26\nHanlin\, Jordan\n5-11/180\nC\nJR\nRocklin\, CA\nJesuit\n\n\n27\nStanford\, Nathan\n6-4/180\nRHP\nJR\nMemphis\, TN\nHarding Academic\n\n\n28\nFry\, Lance\n6-1/185\nRHP\nSO\nJupiter\, FL\nHome Schooled\n\n\n29\nHolloway\, Ryan\n6-2/185\nLHP\nSO\nLake Mary\, FL\nLake Mary\n\n\n31\nBiancalana\, Nick\n6-3/230\nRHP\nSO\nDes Moines\, IA\nRoosevelt\n\n\n32\nRexroad\, Sam\n6-2/185\nLHP\nFR\nLeesburg\, VA\nLoudon County\n\n\n33\nPlaskett\, Steven\n6-2/205\nRHP\nFR\nPalm Harbor\, FL\nEast Lake\n\n\n34\nNix\, Riley\n5-11/185\nOF\nSO\nTuscaloosa\, AL\nHillcrest\n\n\n36\nRobb\, Ryan\n5-11/185\nIF\nSO\nDenver\, CO\nCherry Creek\n\n\n37\nGraham\, Justin\n5-9/170\nOF\nSO\nTumwater\, WA\nTumwater\n\n\n38\nRieker\, Michael\n6-5/225\nRHP\nSO\nSt. Louis\, MO\nOlympia\n\n\n39\nDecker\, Brett\n6-2/210\nLHP\nSO\nWarner Robbins\, GA\nVeterans\n\n\n40\nMortenson\, Tyler\n6-6/185\nRHP/C\nFR\nThe Woodlands\, TX\nCollege Park\n\n\n42\nBooker\, Jacob\n5-10/195\nIF\nSO\nFairfield\, CA\nRodriquez\n\n\n45\nGilbert\, Jake\n6-7/215\nRHP\nFR\nEvans\, GA\nLakeside\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCoaches\n\n\n\n\n\n\n8 Mike Kazlausky – Head Coach\n\n\n35 Blake Miller – Pitching Coach\n\n\n6 C.J. Gillman – Assistant Coach\n\n\n4 Jimmy Roesinger – Vol. Assistant Coach URL: CATEGORIES:Cadet Athletics END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20160514 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20160515 DTSTAMP:20250313T184523 CREATED:20160322T053117Z LAST-MODIFIED:20160322T053949Z SUMMARY:Wine Tasting Social - Placeholder DESCRIPTION:This event is in coordination with Casa Rondena Winery and will be finalized in April. URL: LOCATION:Casa Rondena Winery\, 733 Chavez Rd NW\, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque\, NM\, 87107\, United States CATEGORIES:Blue Chile Social,Social Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20160423T120000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20160423T140000 DTSTAMP:20250313T184523 CREATED:20160410T142025Z LAST-MODIFIED:20160410T142025Z SUMMARY:Women's Tennis DESCRIPTION:USAFA women’s tennis team will be @NM Lobos 12pm MT!\n\nOverall\n13-9\nConf.\n1-2\nHome\n6-1\nAway\n3-6\nNeutral\n4-2\n\n\n\n\n2015-16 Women’s Tennis Roster\n\n\nCoaches\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNAME\nHT\nYear\nHometown (High School)\n\n\n\n\nBarnickel\, Elizabeth\n5-8\nFR\nLeawood\, KS (Shawnee Mission East)\n\n\nDodds\, Veronica\n5-9\nFR\nRichardson\, TX (J.J. Pearce)\n\n\nForlini\, Chloe\n5-6\nJR\nRoseville\, CA (Granite Bay)\n\n\nForlini\, Lily\n5-4\nJR\nRoseville\, CA (Granite Bay)\n\n\nLaskey\, Meredith\n5-4\nFR\nFort Thomas\, KY (Highlands)\n\n\nMeyers\, Mary\n5-3\nSR\nShreveport\, LA (Caddo Magnet)\n\n\nNelson\, Elisa\n5-4\nFR\nSan Antonio\, TX (Winston Churchhill)\n\n\nRudico\, Jocelle\n4-11\nJR\nDuncanville\, TX (Duncanville)\n\n\nStapper\, Sierra\n5-4\nSO\nAustin\, TX (Vandergrift HS)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCoaches\n\n\n\n\n\n\nKim Gidley – Head Coach\n\n\nNick Dargene – Associate Head Coach\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe event will be at the Linda Estes Tennis Complex. \nDirections\nThe Linda Estes Tennis Complex is located south of University Stadium. Exit off I-25\, just south of the Big-I\, at Avenida Cesar Chavez and head east. Turn right (south) on University Boulevard. The Pit and the Lobo Ticket Office will be on the right with Universtiy Stadium on the left. Turn left into the last entrance to the University Stadium parking lot and the Linda Estes Tennis Complex will be on the right. URL: LOCATION:Linda Estes Tennis Complex\, 1392 University Blvd SE\, Albuquerque\, NM\, 87106\, United States CATEGORIES:Cadet Athletics END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20160422T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20160422T210000 DTSTAMP:20250313T184523 CREATED:20160322T052422Z LAST-MODIFIED:20160326T050958Z SUMMARY:Founder's Day Dinner @ The Cooperage DESCRIPTION:Please enable JavaScriptplay-sharp-fill\n\n \n \n LinkEmbedCopy and paste this HTML code into your webpage to embed.\n\n\nJoin the Blue Chile Chapter of the Association of Graduates as we celebrate the founding of the United States Air Force Academy by honoring those who have served our nation. This year we will enjoy the hospitality of The Cooperage. Dinner and drinks will be available for purchase off the normal menu. \nCocktails @ 1800 hrs\, Dinner @ 1900 hrs\nUniform of the Day: Coat & Tie \nGuest Speaker: To Be Announced \nRSVP by 13 April URL: LOCATION:The Cooperage\, 2200 Lomas Blvd NE\, Albuquerque\, NM\, 87110\, United States CATEGORIES:Blue Chile Social,Social Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20160421 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20160422 DTSTAMP:20250313T184523 CREATED:20160322T052553Z LAST-MODIFIED:20160322T052553Z SUMMARY:Support NM Parent's Association DESCRIPTION:New Mexico Night at USAFA URL: CATEGORIES:AOG Social Event,Social Event END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20160410 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20160422 DTSTAMP:20250313T184523 CREATED:20160410T135821Z LAST-MODIFIED:20160410T135821Z SUMMARY:Taste of Home - New Mexico Night @ USAFA DESCRIPTION:Dear Grads in New Mexico\,\nI am writing you on behalf of the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) Parents Association of New Mexico. Our Association will be hosting our fifth annual “Taste of Home – New Mexico Night” at USAFA on April 21\, 2016 for our New Mexico cadets and their guests. This event is a way to celebrate New Mexico and bring a bit of home to the cadets at the Academy. Our caterer is a New Mexican restaurant chain out of Denver\, CO\, and they will provide green chile fare for the festivities. Our cost to host this event will be approximately two thousand dollars. \nWe are seeking monetary sponsorships for this event. Any contribution you can make to our non-profit organization to help with this worthwhile event would be very much appreciated by the New Mexico Cadets and their families. This is a great way to show your support of our current cadets. You may mail your contribution to (please make checks payable to USAFA Parents Association of New Mexico): \nCindy Matson\nC/O USAFA Parents Association of New Mexico\n9433 Allande RD NE\nAlbuquerque\, NM 87109 \nIf you need additional information about sponsoring this event\, please contact me at or 505-508-1107. URL: CATEGORIES:Cadet Fundraising,Fundraiser ORGANIZER;CN="Cindy Matson" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20160331 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20160701 DTSTAMP:20250313T184523 CREATED:20160331T040105Z LAST-MODIFIED:20160331T040105Z SUMMARY:Order A Blue Chile Name Tag DESCRIPTION:Blue Chile Chapter Nametags\nChris Herrmann is coordinating with Jenny Migdal to help us order name tags! To have a tag by the Founder’s Day event\, Jenny needs your information by 9 April. You can order later\, though\, if you desire. \nJenny says that the tags will have your name\, nickname (if desired) and class. The Blue Chile logo will be centered at the top. No image to pass to you as yet\, but you get the idea. If you desire to have your maiden name on the tag\, you can get it in parentheses or hyphenated\, as desired. \nCost is anticipated to be $10 or less per name tag. Make a separate order for you\, your spouse\, and anyone else you desire to have one. \nWHAT DO YOU HAVE TO DO TO ORDER? \nClick the button below. This will open a PDF form that you can fill out\, save\, and email to Jenny at She will work with Chris to collect any money owed when the tags come in. They will be delivered to Chris for now. \nIf you have any questions\, just reply to this email and we will get you an answer. \nFill Form URL: CATEGORIES:Blue Chile Social,Social Event END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR